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Welcome to my little survival!

Early demo of what I've been working on for months, a little survival currently features a huge world (With too little content), and a survival game experience with different weapons and tools, food, some creatures, and lots of cubes.

Try the experimental features! Are they better than without?
You're suggested to check the controls.
Maybe you should look at the guide too?

Hold WASD to move
Hold SPACEBAR to jump
Press E to pickup/Interact
Press G to swap main&offhand items
Press LMB to use mainhand item
Press RMB to cancel building
Hold RMB to pan your view
UI Controls
Press Esc to pause/unpause and show the settings
Drag with LMB to move a whole stack of items
Drag with RMB to move half a stack of items
Not dropping items on UI will throw them away
Gathering materials
  • Don't bother chopping trees with a stone hammer, chop those bushes instead.
  • Mining rocks is important if you want to play it safer, not only does the tall walls cost stone, at times, they also drop hematite. (Iron ore)
  • Gather berries, you'll need it and you might prefer staying inside at night.
  • Combat
  • Try holding a dagger-type weapon in both main&offhand!
  • Bows are used by holding your bow in offhand and an arrow in mainhand.
  • Most creatures have energy too! Try to look at their energy bar to know when they'll attack.
  • Try to preserve your energy so that you can hit them when you get the chance.
  • Most creatures take more damage at their head, jump a little to gain advantage of that.
  • Male deer has a tendency to run, try to chase them, if they don't manage to get too far they'll soon turn back!
  • Even though you can avoid combat by sneaking past enemies, surprise attack is yet to be added, sorry.
  • Development goal
    Hardcore survival, sandbox, souls-like combat... My unique blend of gather, survive and fight!
    I've always adored Hardcore rlcraft so I wanted to make something that gives a similar experience.
    Tbh my plans for this game seems a bit more like a midground between darksouls and minecraft or something, idk.

    "I have a dream! That one day, I'll make a great hardcore survival game of great difficulty! One where players will learn, struggle, and die... Just to survive a while longer!"

    Haha no it's not that hard actually, and I intend to add some systems that make the game's hardcore aspect more a little more forgiving.
    I could use some help developing this, if anyone wish to join my team feel free to reach out. ^^


    A Little Survival 0.9 Linux 33 MB
    Download 184 bytes

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